
Pants (Size M): http://amzn.com/dp/B093H7PJY9

Shirt (Size M): http://amzn.com/dp/B06ZYLMP5W 

Neoprene Sock: Large (40-41): https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805741626610.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.11.1bbe1802Ut9spK&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa 

Swimrun Neoprene Sleeves: https://www.sumarpo.com/products/mens-neoprene-sleeves

I wear sandals over a neoprene sock. A reason I wear long socks is because sand gets into socks if they are short. Because the socks are so long I had to cut an oval hole where my knees are so I can bend my knees freely.  

I wear two thin layer of quick dry hiking long sleeve shirts and water proof jacket and quick dry shorts.   

You also need a poncho so you can change at the end of the fishing session. 


The reason I like this setup is so I can freely walk long distances and more safer than waders. 

Others use this Patagonia Hybrid Surf Booties
